Friday 11 May 2012

It Is What It Is

Still waiting for Burberry to get back to me. I'm in contact with my interviewer, and they haven't yet made a decision.
Monday is when they will decide.

She said they have a few more people to interview, they're seeing internal as well as external..
Failing to understand how I can compete with someone who already works for Burberry?!
I know I would literally work my face off for them, I would be PERFECT, no other option. But next to someone who already knows the brand inside and out? That's tough.
Honestly, I'm just going to keep praying and hoping.

In the mean time, I've had another interview for a jewellery company - not at ALL what I want to represent, but its for PR assistant, and they are a luxury, high end brand. Step in the right direction.
My interviewer said that she 'feels so bad' for us, there's 'too many of you and not enough jobs'.
You don't say.

It's funny, but mostly tragic, to think that I'm sat here, desperately waiting for a positive call from Burberry. Along with about a million other equally desperate hopefuls.

Bleugh this is so not ideal.
Keeping positive though, I just need to wait, and be patient, something will come along.
Someone has to get the job right?

Thursday 3 May 2012


Still waiting..
I want this SO BAD. Ahhhh...

Monday 23 April 2012

Tick, Tock..

So Burberry said they'd get back to me with a decision at the end of the week.
It is now, past the end of the week and in fact, a new week. (fascinating how that happens..)
I've been assured it is perfectly reasonable to call in and check on the status of my application. I was convinced I hadn't got it, since I hadn't heard back.
I wanted to call just to hear a firm 'no' so I could move on with my life.
By that I mean the absence of Burberry themed dreams/nightmares where I get the job/don't get the job waking me in a cold sweat/false happiness.
Oh the joy.

I called this morning, very cheerful, professional, look-how-great-my-phone-manner-is.
Basically I'll next hear from them in a couple weeks.. eeekkkk!!

It's not a no, its not a yes.
It's a .. Wait.
I can do that, I'm all over that. If there's a job worth waiting for, its a job at Burberry.
Peaceful nights will have to wait.

Thursday 19 April 2012

'When you said Burberry my heart LITERALLY skipped a beat'

Finished interning at Nicole Farhi - It. Was. Fantastic.
I really loved it, it was such an incredible experience. I got to work A/W12 Press Day, which was great, loads of journalists and stylists to schmooze with - excellent.
Due to the stupid Inland Revenue cracking the whip on fashion houses taking on unpaid interns for too long, a month was the maximum time I could stay. I was a bit irritated about it.
But Then....

So since I've decided to do this, I've sent out precisely a million copies of my CV.
Wasn't really sure what good it was doing.
Last week, I got an email, with 'PR assistant role' in the subject field.
I hadn't sent any recent applications and I wasn't aware of recent vacancies anywhere so I was totally surprised.
Open the email and who is it writing me?
Burberry. BURBERRY.

Now forget everything else, whether I get a job or not, the fact that I have been invited to the most iconic fashion brand in England is a Big Freaking Deal right there.
So I went, last Tuesday, portfolio in hand. I honestly would have waited all day to get a shot at being a Burberry employee.
The building is without a doubt the nicest place I have ever entered. Upon asking for a bathroom I was told to go over to a full length mirror and press the silver button beside it. When I did this, the mirror slid sideways into the freaking wall.
The interview itsself went really well. So well that I think the reason I won't get it would be because she interviews someone better than me, rather than me not being good enough.
I'm definitely not getting my hopes up though, don't want to make the inevitable devastation worse.
Fingers crossed. Infact, lets just cross Everything.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Internship Number Three Please

Updates.. I finished interning at Flax PR last Thursday. It was great to learn so much about how an agency runs, and it was a hugely informative experience.
But it really just wasn't fashion forward enough. Half of the whole PR excitement for me, comes from being passionate about the product/clients.
Passion for Cath Kidston/Laura Ashley, I do not have.
So I interviewed on my birthday for another internship (after dragging myself to the interview because I was THAT SICK - my birthday was not a happy time) and tomorrow I start in the press office for none other than ..

Nicole Farhi.

Very Excited.
I think it's fabulous because I've now had so many different experiences, in-house for a smaller designer, agency, and now in-house for a huge, established designer. Nicole Farhi has done wonders for London Fashion Week and I think it's really to her credit that LFW is known and respected in the fashion world.
Huge fashion houses like Nicole Farhi, Paul Smith, and Burberry just give London the brilliant name it has.
What to wear for the first day?!
Fail safe black. Works everytime.

In Love.

I am so head over heels. Completely and truly smitten.
Unfortunately, t'is not a man at the centre of my affections, but these trousers.
They are utterly delicious.
Smart, and casual, show my personality, nod to st patricks, and still oh so on trend for this season's florals.
I thought they'd be one of those pieces that I ADORE so much I have to ignore that others hate them.
BUT I wore them to a party last night and had exactly 1 million people ask me where they were from.
Love is a very splendid thing.

Thursday 1 March 2012


Oh, ANOTHER rejection for paid position. At Burberry. Just to make it hurt a little more.
ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. AS IF I CANT BE A PRESS SAMPLES ASSISTANT. How could you BE more qualified?! I would genuinely like to know what makes you qualified to be a samples assistant, not a general press assistant, no no, a SAMPLES assistant. Are. You. Kidding.
I'm angry. So angry.
That job would be a quarter of all the responsibilities I had at my in-house internship. And I would work SO HARD. Urgh. I freaking hate the recession. I hate it. And everyone who has a job a the moment and is getting paid for it. Its a far off concept for me.
And hell yes I'm bitter about it.